Monday, February 28, 2011

open the eyes of your heart

i wanted to give up today. i was faced with a setback and all i wanted to do was give up.
i feel like you're too dependent on me. grow some wings, without me where would you go?

sometimes, you need to learn how to step out of that comfort zone and learn to fly.
i feel like i'm giving in too much. i feel if i continue doing this to you, you'll never learn.

you're too stubborn. and honestly, sometimes, you don't take serious things seriously.
you take them as a joke. your health is not a joke. i want to shake you awake.

i want to shake you till your eyes open. i want to shake you till you realise you have to stand up for yourself. i want to shake you that you cannot be dependent on somebody and sometimes, you have to be on your own and spread your wings and fly. is this considered reaching out?

or is this considered, because i know you're wounded but you take me more than i am?
you don't love yourself enough.

i pray that your eyes will open, i pray for independence in your life, i pray that you will learn to take initiative.

i'm slightly peeved by what you're doing but i don't really want to end up telling you about it. i'll get mad. but you need to wake up. wake up. wake up. wake up. wake up.

please wake up. ._.

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