Sunday, February 28, 2010


♠. joelyn says:
Ðΐαηα, ♥ says:
♠. joelyn says:
*mehh t_t

it is time for me to create a box so my wallet and keys don't go missing. i've been late twice thanks to them. D:

time to mull.

you know, over this weekend, i had to write two summaries about man-made disasters for english. really, i don't even how the heck i can stay online for i don't know...six hours, and not even fulfilling it. i blame those people on msn. (you know who you are D:)

i'm on my second summary now and now i realise i seriously hate writing summaries. actually, you would hate it too if you had to summarise from a wikipedia page. which has 324220520094234 words and dozens and dozens of tiny details and i adore tiny details so it's screwing me all over my whole damn computer roller chair. that sounded completely wrong. arghhhhh. i like english, i like to write but i just cannot. i hate, hate hate hate using already written content, where's the fun in that?!!

wangwang is missing my sister because she went on a one week school trip to malaysia and it feels so random whenever i feel something furry against my feet. ahah. has anyone heard 505 by arctic monkeys? it's so awesome when it reaches 2:31. it's already half way through the song but still.

woohoo! i'm going to a holiday to genting! even though it's only malaysia, it's the first holiday i'm getting for the first ages. really. and i might be meeting bellyn which is really really really awesome! :D

Friday, February 26, 2010

retroretroretro •

nmh says:
*retrophilia = love for all things retro
*so how do you call a person?
♠. joelyn says:
nmh says:
*A love of retro objects (things from the past) is called retrophilia
♠. joelyn says:
*that's awesome.
*apparently when you google
*what do you call a person who likes retro
*you get
*What do you call someone you like/love?
*How Often Should You Call a Woman You Like?
nmh says:
♠. joelyn says:

worned out homework due last week

okay, i think i regained my composure.
today, i walked into a tree.

you saw what i typed, i walked into a tree! i know it's sounds impossible but a person like me, is bound to walk into a tree. >_> it's a really stupid/funny story, i came to school early to do a project; saw my friend when i was about to alight from the bus, i wanted to check if it was her, i walked out of the bus briskly, i was looking left, i wasn't looking straight and a tree was right in front of me and well.

it hurt like crazy. D:

and yay, we have an almost new photography club shirt! :D

tik tok

marina barrage photos! finally, yes? :D

this starts off with ivan's chicken rice because chicken rice is nice and we should all eat chicken rice once in a while. hahaha. sorry, i'm in an a good mood right now. the photostream is kinda okay, a little boring with all the water.

at the same time, we should eat fried fish. and that fish tastes really nice too.

afiqah and me were sitting on the grass and it led to the sea if we went down the grass. there was this weird screaming whistle and it was actually this security guard who saw us sitting there and he was blowing his whistle because we're not suppose to sit there.

i spent an hour walking around tampines like a bozo because my parents went to watch a movie and i thought they finished watching it but they didn't so i walked around. i found rilakkuma, looks like i'm saving for a bear. YES I STILL LIKE BEARS EXCEPT RILAKKUMA IS AN EXPENSIVE BEAR WHICH SUCKS. see, i'm high.
that evening was so damn nice.