Saturday, June 12, 2010


alohhahahahaha. hasn't it been some time since i actually wrote a proper blog entry?
i don't know but sometimes when i just jump onto some of friends' blogs, i get really weirded out because the entries they write make me feel like a stalker even though i hardly read blogs. but isn't that like the purpose of a blog, you're suppose to know what the blogger is doing with their lives. yeah, i feel really weird lately.

actually, i've been writing on my tumblr but they're so much text i don't feel like divulging anything. nothing much happened in my life, just some spiritual growth; some shock, some screaming, some sudden sore throats, some good memories, some bad flashbacks, some cheer, some crappy realisations, something about realising how guys are so weird and some yadayada. i'm a really boring person, no one really wants to know. : )

pretty much, i haven't been doing a lot these past two weeks. just slacking, going to camp fearless, coming back fearless (though roaches scare me stupid), staring at people, singing and window shopping. yeahhhhhhhhh.

things to do

since my exams are over and the june holidays are coming. i should do a to-do list.

this might be a very long list. :D
this shall be stuck as the first entry of my blog to remind myself teehee.

• learn how to ride a bike
go back out in orchard
• learn how to play the guitar/ukelele
do a mini notebook collage
hang out with diana
hang out with diana and danial
go window-shopping at a flea market
• go to an outlet of the salvation army and hunt for stuff
make a birthday card or two or three or six
return to that giant field across the road and take pictures and ignore the random passer-bys
• do a realistic drawing of a flower
surprise mum with shoes
• treat jean to lunch/dinner/breakfast/random meal/chihuahua
try talking about God to somebody
learn how to stop taking things for granted
start singing randomly
watch toy story 3 (I DON'T CARE I LOVE WOODY TOO MUCH)
take pictures take pictures take pictures
document a random day
• develop photos
open up more in real life
buy skinny jeans
stop coming online and spend time writing/drawing/taking pictures/watching mindless tv
stop the growing habit of bubble tea ; _ ;
• reconnect to some people i should be talking to
collect all my lost phone numbers
• make good use of the holidays and not waste time like i did last year with the holidays -_-
rid the fear of random people staring and go back to that dang field of weedsxz
• go on a random photoshoot with random people
• have a drink at starbucks


(crickets chirping, car alarms going off, people screaming)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

♠.joelyn (R) says:
*and i might run into my mum.
*who is holding my report book
*who might uhh.
*kill me.
Ðΐαηα, ♥ says:
*-imagines your mom bashing you with your report book-
♠. joelyn (R) says:
Ðΐαηα, ♥ says: