Thursday, January 22, 2009

possess a heart, get a problem sum for free.

Miss me?
Hopefully not. (:

I suppose you could say the past few days have been a routine.
Wake up, go to school, stay till five, come home, study, computer, sleep.
Yada yada yada.

I picked up a new interest, nothing really interesting, it's just well...studying. Probably you would go,"Lol, studying?!"
Yes, studying. I never studied much in my schooling life. I don't suppose you could call cramming studying because it's merely cramming all sorts of knowledgable things into your brain. I've been studying algebra. Math.
And man, do I suck or what! I'm terrible at it.

I mean, I love algebra now but I hate how much I'm so bad at it when I don't have examples to copy view from! I don't really copy, haha.
I admit though, I haven't taken any photos at all!
I think I might love maths now and then, I just told Bellyn that the square root of 64 was 8, also that I agreed that 8 to the power of 2 was also 64 and 64 was probably a square.

That's a lot of math mambo jumbo.
Okay, I'm off to bed before I start getting nightmares about math and ugly sheeps.

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