Monday, January 19, 2009


I'm reading this book called Martyn Pig for literature so I thought I would be a real nerd by posting some of my favourite quotes in the book.

"They say that sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. Oh yeah? Well, whoever thought that one up was an idiot."

"The thing about dreams, they don't come from anywhere else but yourself. It's not as if there's some evil demon waiting around somewhere, waiting for you to sleep so he can sneak into your mind and show you all his crazy things. It's you that does it. It's your mind. Whatever demons there are, you invite them in. They're your demons. No one else's."

"There are moments in your life when you have to do things you really don't want to do. You have to do them, you have no choice. It's no good wishing things were different, wishing you could turn the clock back, wishing you had another chance, because things aren't differen, you can't turn the clock back, you don't get another chance."
"I had no choice. Do you understand? I had no choice."
"The only thing to do when you're faced with something like that is to say to yourself: what's the worst that can happen? And then do it."

"Alcohol. It sucks the life out of a face and replaces it with its own dumb shine of inanity. It's up to you. If you want to lose yourself, have a drink."

"Sand. Sandcastle. Sandpiper. Invisible sandpiper. Sandpaper. Sandwich. Cheese sandwich. Cheese on toast. What about the snow? What's snow? What's it made of? Frozen rain? No, that's hailstones. Or is it? I don't know. Snow's made of crystals. Symmetrical patterns. Every snowflake is unique. Is it? How can you tell? Is there a record kept of every single snowflake that's ever fallen? There might be two that are the same. Who knows? Snow. Snowball. Snowdrop. Drop of snow. Snowgoose. That's no goose, that's my wife. Snowshoe. Bless you. Snowman. Walking in the air. Abominable. Snow. Snow. Quick, quick, snow..."

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