Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hannah Hagiophobiaa . says:
its okayyy la
but i have to say, im no fan of the beatles
♠. joelyn says:
haha its cause they're oldiees.
i hate the word oldies.
it like "the old is gonna die"
Hannah Hagiophobiaa . says:
yeahhh. haha me too
♠. joelyn says:
why not odeeee.
Hannah Hagiophobiaa . says:
dude, i have a guy friend whos name is Odee

i'm lame, sorry.
and the unnecessary 'es and bad grammar.

hana has a phobia of blogs.
she says its because a hater wrote a angry hate entry about her.
which i think its particularly stupid.
of the hater do to that. they really have no courage.

well, to get rid of her phobia, i'm going to write her an entry of compliments.
hopefully it'll sound okay.

hana is nice. i don't think she's hagiophobic. maybe she is.
she's a pretty bitch because we're all bitchy in some kind of way. she isn't afraid of what other people think sometimes and that's why i like her for that. i like how i can talk about music with her and she won't give me that WTF face that a lot of people do.
i like her house. its big even though i never seen in in real life. she's good at taking photos, i think she can be really good. she stands up for her friends and gives good advice that makes us feel all happy inside. that sounded particularly wrong.
she has nice shoes, i liked her sneakers she wore during camp, they had mismatched laces. : )
its her sort of style, she's a happy scene kid with no soul which makes no sense because you really can't have any emotions if you have no soul. i love her scene things but its funny how her mum knows what she likes because my mum doesn't really know what i like. that shows she has good bondage. i think. okay no.
she is very likable except there is a girl who looks like her and a lot of people thinks she's a poser or someone which she is very not because they stereotyped her which is WRONG.
she is very strange in some ways like sometimes when we talk to her and suddenly she starts daydreaming and says,"Huh?" and we start laughing like idiots who had come in contact with laughing gas. she likes hot pink but i hate that but that's okay because the pink she wears isn't really glaring in the eyes.
she has nice scene hair and wears eyeliner which is scary at first but then you'll realise its pretty cool and the reason why people look its because they're just jealous of her. 8D
her dreams are funny and she loves boys.
i used to call her banana but i gave up because it sounded lame.
my friends call her my mum because of an inside joke and i like to annoy her with that by calling her mummy. ahhaha.
we all love her.

if you don't you're missing all the fun. :0

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