Thursday, March 5, 2009

i love you beary much

I look weird.

I fell asleep for three hours last night.
By accident.

I don't think it's an accident actually, I was reading a book on my bed, got sleepy and fell asleep at nine.
I was awaken by my dog at eleven eighteen. I left the computer on for two hours.

I'm such a wastrel.
I realised when I laugh too much, it becomes a mood and even the lamest jokes make me laugh. I'm so weird, haha.
I went to Toy 'R' Us for fun today and they kept playing the same song over and over again.
"The wheels on the bus are going round and round..all daaay long!"

Somehow, Farahin, Hana, Carrie and I kept laughing like four crazy people at the section where all the plush toys were. They just kept falling off the shelf. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt.

I want to watch Watchmen.

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