Saturday, December 13, 2008


i feel so glad that i have my own room, my own "place" so i can do whatever i want.
it isn't particularly spacey but i'm just glad.
though my doorknob is broken and anyone can barge in if they want, no one ever bothers me. though, i have thoughts that burglars would sneak into the house and go into my room and kill/rob me first.

maybe i'm taking the holidays for granted, staying up till the early morning, typing like a psycho and now, i'm being assumed for using my mother's computer till five am. i hate being accused.
or assumed.
i have my own computer.

and my mother thinks it's bad for me to stay up so late and sleeping till late.
i guess it's true.

and this is why i'm screaming in my brain in my room.
where's bellyn when i need her.

sleep on needles

my first concert was sondre lerche's, he was amazing though i never ever heard of him.
and i was like a bloody stiff twig just sitting on the chair while everyone was dancing.

and this was the song i intended to post.

nice day - persephone's bees

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