Sunday, May 2, 2010

we all have flaws

when i think flaws i think there's something stuck in your teeth. i think i watch too much tv because i remember i was watching that's so raven a couple years ago and raven felt 'flawed' because she had spinach stuck in her teeth. teehee.

i never really written a blog post about what i really think about things. okay i do, but they're more like a rant about how crappy my life is or how crappy insects i hate like to suck my blood. -cough- -cough-

and sometimes i write so much like an essay that no one can stand it because too much text can spoil your brain because we see too much text in school. it's true because i can't stand to read my own writing sometimes because IT'S TOO MUCH TEXT.

ohhhhhh how i contradict myself so so so much. D:
but i forgot the inspirational part to write about.

today, i finally got to eat dinner with my parents. it's been ages since i have and i used to complain that i always have to eat with them. alone. because my sister is never ever free. but right now, it's the complete opposite, she eats with them and i'm always unavailable. sometimes moments like these are so difficult to come upon and it's true, you'll really miss what you always had and never noticed till it goes far far away. oh then i accidentally left my recently bought green apple mentos in my dad's car. :v

i wrote something today and i feel good about it. but it's so christian-friendly and so lengthy and if you hate long text, don't even bother clicking.

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