Thursday, March 11, 2010

we're like scientists inside a lab, waiting for our call.

today was sports day. and thinkers won! for the first time!

and weeeell, it was a good day today. i have some photos from sports day but i'm kinda lazy to edit them since i had to sort a lot of them. @_@ i got tired of looking at shots of people running. so, instead, here's the aftermath on what i did after sports day at the stadium. :D

and yeah, i killed the camera lens out of love and abuse so errr..manual focusing isn't easy? by the way, yixin, i lied, i know you don't know my blog and you don't want me to post your pictures but I LIED. :D

you can kill me later if you do eventually see this. ^^

and actual photos of me! and gosh do i look gay in some. and YES i' m chinese. well, photos taken by sim shuen and me. :D

ignore the guy, look at the tree silhouette!


if queenie was armless she would look like that. :0


black and grey because the quality sucked and i liked the photo. D:

and then, off i went to yixin's house. we were suppose to design the noticeboard for recycling but instead we played with her wii. and talked. haha! we have tuition together so it was pretty well planned.

hey hey hey.

i like milk tea moar than mango.

that lightstream came from those lamp posts. a complete accidental shot.

NINA THE CAT HAS A FACE. the poor dear's dinner was being suddenly devoured by ants, it never happens. :c but it did today and i felt so sad for her.

you know you love her toooo. and yay, an actual photo of her. <3

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