Sunday, February 28, 2010

time to mull.

you know, over this weekend, i had to write two summaries about man-made disasters for english. really, i don't even how the heck i can stay online for i don't know...six hours, and not even fulfilling it. i blame those people on msn. (you know who you are D:)

i'm on my second summary now and now i realise i seriously hate writing summaries. actually, you would hate it too if you had to summarise from a wikipedia page. which has 324220520094234 words and dozens and dozens of tiny details and i adore tiny details so it's screwing me all over my whole damn computer roller chair. that sounded completely wrong. arghhhhh. i like english, i like to write but i just cannot. i hate, hate hate hate using already written content, where's the fun in that?!!

wangwang is missing my sister because she went on a one week school trip to malaysia and it feels so random whenever i feel something furry against my feet. ahah. has anyone heard 505 by arctic monkeys? it's so awesome when it reaches 2:31. it's already half way through the song but still.

woohoo! i'm going to a holiday to genting! even though it's only malaysia, it's the first holiday i'm getting for the first ages. really. and i might be meeting bellyn which is really really really awesome! :D

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