Tuesday, June 30, 2009

we're on top of the world. no not really.

photos. : D
some are sooc and some are edited. (badly, edited.)

caaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrieeeeee. i don't know why i spelt her name like that.

taken by carrie. nom nom nom. this is so unglam.

taken by carrie.
taken by carrie.
i love the wall.
taken by carrie.
taken by carrie.
er..taken by carrie?
the sun became a hexagon, it was awesome.

taken by carrie.

taken by carrie.
taken by carrie.

as you can see, i am very bad when people model for me. : \

taken by carrie.

taken by carrie.

taken by carrie.
taken by carrie. (lol at the man and woman)

taken by carrie.
there was a lot of smoke but the camera didn't capture it.

oh look! a plane is going to crash!
nope, it's just a really fast toy aeroplane.

yay kitty.
lina was eating so she didn't want her face in the shot. :0

day two of school was alright.
mark is so funny, he seemed so glaad to be recieving his birthday cards.

carrie and i took a random piece of wood in the basketball court and drew on it. it was awesome.
i'll scan it in one day when i'm not feeling so tired.

today was pretty weird too, i saw edwin (my primary school schoolmate who i believed has gone onto the dark side of being an ah beng) and he looked at me with my crazy fringe and then walked away with his friends.
then i thought i saw jansen (again, another schoolmate) then i realised it wasn't him and i felt awfully stupid. so, i just realised his sister is in my school and i never remembered. no wonder we kept shooting each other funny looks.

okay, enough of my random babbles.

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