Saturday, December 6, 2008


When I grow up, I won't have a kid.
Ever. I suppose.

I had a terrible experience today, my cousin was being such a pain. ):

Anyway, let's ignore that part. Today I went to my aunt's again since my mum had to teach my cousin phonics every weekend. We intended to go to East Coast Park but it rained so we ate at the outdoor foodcourt.
Well, while we were outside my uncle's car, my cousin found a piece of candy on the side of the car which my mum dropped by accident and nearly ate it but my sister stopped him. Anyway, he pretended to throw it at me but didn't and then he really did. And then he started to attack us in the car.

Oh well. He's five. I have to survive! (:

I'm buying a licca doll tomorrow for erin, yay.

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