Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I suppose you can say that I spent my day chilling out at my aunt's house, playing maplestory of all games for the first time in months and having two blackouts at the food court during dinner.
i learnt some things about my mum, found the temptation of maplestory, which is weird because people would taunt and tease saying,"wtf you noob play maple".

how strange, the parents have not called yet.

i got a plaster round my left ankle because i was wearing my sister's hightops today.
it's peeling off and my skin screams ow shit damn shoe damn damn.
plasters do not protect friction between skin and shoe.

what i did previously with my old flats were to put tape at the ankles of the shoes.
that worked. not so much for hightops perharps.

"Wear socks"
"No, i don't wear socks"
"Socks protect your feet"
"I hate socks"

flip flops anyone?
oh yes, now i can bleep like a sheep.


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