Saturday, November 1, 2008


I'm pretty sure alarm clocks don't work for me.
Hmm, I should get those electric shock ones, those might work. They're like normal alarm clocks and when you press the button to shut it up, you'll recieve an electric shock in return.

Today I went to my class barbeque. Not exactly what I expected but still, it was good.
Well, except being accidentally hit with a water bomb and not expecting that balloons can cause great pains on the back since I was hit there...
Our barbeque pit was located behind a theme park and the theme park sent a two little kids, a vampire and a grim reaper to scare a particular pit. The grim reaper was poking a guy on his butt. Heh.
And there were some older guys and they made themselves up like the Joker from Batman which was awesome.

Anyhow, I went home with aching bones though I adored today.
My dog is staring at me dyfunctionally..

happy halloween.

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