Thursday, October 23, 2008

the d to the e to the l i c i o u s.

Today was the last day of school. It was somewhat overwhelming.
I'll miss my desk. And the classroom.
And every single person in my class. (Okay, not everyone :P)

School started off in the hall and ended at 1:35pm in the classroom. We had a small gig of a band and later two guitarists which was quite awesome. I'm still quite amazed by the guy who was playing the classical guitar. I guess practice really does make perfect. Anyway, I followed my mum to the parents teacher conference with my form teacher.

I ended up laughing a lot, I don't know why. My mum and my teacher were fake smiling. Or something. (: I did okay but mum still wants me to go to the better stream next year.

Tomorrow I'm watching High School Musical 3 with Hana and Mira and maybe Brandon and Ting. HSM isn't that cheesy, okay, it is. The trailers just seemed intriguing enough.

I don't know what will happen.
Ha, we'll see.

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